Sunday, July 31, 2022

Why fear God


Because God is Just. We all hate to see injustice where the guilty go unpunished and so does God. No judge on earth will give a pardon to anyone who is going to repeat the offense and neither will God. We must repent of our sin or we will face the consequences of our choices under free will. God gives us many examples in the new testament of sins he must punish (Corinthians 6:9 ..) unless we accept Christ and repent of sin and he even goes so far as to tell us of the things he hates ... yes God hates.

We sometimes enable those we love to continue to act against us and continue in sin but God is not so weak as to ignore the law and allow us to continue in sin. If you choose to continue in your sin and ignore the consequences you can complain to all the people from Sodom and Gomorrah and the people who died in the flood who will be with you in hell, tell them how God is only love.

God does love as he has demonstrated to all of us by suffering on the cross in order to offer the chance of a pardon but that pardon requires repentance.

Mathew 7:13 warns us: Wide is the path that leads to destruction and many enter through it. You must seek the narrow gate. The wisest man who ever lived finally realized in Ecclesiastes 12:13  "  Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man".

God didn't give us his word in a hallmark card. He is more complex than John 3:16 and you should get to know him via his word ... all of it.

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